Prof Josaphat was with Prof Boerner (University of Illinois at Chicago) and my secretary, Miyamoto san. Some fruitful discussion during his visiting our laboratory to strengthen our spaceborne SAR project with international community on August 30, 2012
Staff of University of Tehran visited Josaphat Laboratory
Dr Jalal Amini staff of University of Tehran, Iran joins Josaphat Laboratory for short visit research on synthetic aperture radar to estimate forest biomass at northern Iran (27 August 2012)
Head Department and Professors of Ajou University Korea visited Josaphat Laboratory
Prof Tu Hwan Kim, Prof Jae Hyun Kim (Head of Department) and Prof Ickjin Kwon from Department of Space Electronics and Information Technology, Ajou University, Korea visited Josaphat Laboratory to promote Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar research and academic collaboration. Conquer the Space and the World by our technology ! (26 August 2012)
Indonesia Ween in Chiba University
Prof Josaphat arranged the “Indonesia Week” in Chiba University on 24 to 27 October 2012.
Prof Josaphat gave Invited Speak on Polarimetric SAR Workshop 2012
Prof Josaphat gave invited speak on Polarimetric SAR Workshop 2012 at Niigata University on 23 August 2012.
Visiting Researcher : Dr Jalal Amini
Dr. Jalal Amini, staff of University of Tehran as Visiting Research of Josaphat Laboratory in period of August 21 – September 21, 2012. He is Assistant Professor of University of Tehran, Iran and research in Change Detection on High Resolution SAR Images (TerraSAR-X)
Deputy of BPPT, Dr. Ridwan Djamaluddin visited Josaphat Laboratory (18 August 2012)
Deputy of BPPT, Dr. Ridwan Djamaluddin visited Josaphat Laboratory to hold collaboration on research and academic between Chiba University and BPPT, especially on remote sensing field, on 18 August 2012. インドネシア政府技術応用評価庁(BPPT)副長官Ridwan Djamaludin氏が当センター訪問 2012年8月18日に、インドネシア政府技術応用評価庁(BPPT)副長官Ridwan Djamaluddin氏が当センターに訪問して、BPPTと千葉大学環境リモートセンシング研究センターの協定の更新にサインし、当センターの施設に見学をした。今後、インドネシアで合成開口レーダ(SAR)搭載無人航空機の現地実験に協力し、当センターの小型衛星で提供するSARデータの解析などに協力すると合意した。この協定を推進するために、現在当センターに既にBPPTより一名の研究員(Damayanti Sarodja氏)が滞在し、SAR画像信号処理の研究をしている。今後、BPPTの若手研究の派遣を増やす予定である。
Prof Josapht visited Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) with Tsukuba University Staffs
Prof Josaphat arranged and visited President Office of Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) to promote and bridging education and research collaboration with Tsukuba University and Chiba University (11 August 2012).
Prof Josaphat with Staffs of Tsukuba University visited University of Indonesia
Prof Josaphat connected Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia to Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences of Tsukuba University, discussion with best friends, Vice Dean, Dr Dedi, Dr Andhono, Prof Eko Tjipto, Dr Basari etc. This moment is important historical moment for University of Indonesia and Tsukuba University on 10 August…
Prof Josaphat visited UI and ITB with Tsukuba University and Chiba University staffs (9 August 2012)
Prof Josaphat held official visiting of academic and management staffs of Tsukuba University and Chiba University to University of Indonesia (UI) and Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) on 9-11 August 2012. We will hold collaboration on academic and research between Japanese Universities and Indonesian Universities through Chiba University International Exchange Office at Depok Campus, University…